Since accessing your electricity is as simple as hitting a switch on the wall, you might not give it much thought. But have you ever wondered how the energy you use reaches your home?
Your home's electricity may be generated hundreds of miles away from where you live. To reach your house, the energy must travel along a complex path known as the electrical transmission and distribution system. Here are the steps your electricity goes through from the production plant to your home:
Energy is created at a generation facility, which may be a traditional power plant or a renewable generation facility.
When you partner with Gexa Energy as your energy provider, you are automatically choosing a 100% green electricity plan for your home. Gexa Energy buys renewable energy credits to match your usage, which funds more renewable energy generation.
After it's generated, energy is sent to a substation where transformers convert it to high-voltage power.
Transmission and distribution
The electricity then travels across high-voltage power lines that can carry it for many miles.
The poles that hold these lines keep the energy safely away from the ground, people and animals, and also serve to attract lightening away from the wires.
Step-down conversion
Electrical lines carry the energy to step-down transformers that reduce its voltage and make it safe to enter homes.
Final destination: Your home
Electricity is pulled from transformers on electrical poles and into your home. The energy will pass through a service panel where breakers or fuses protect the wires inside your house from being overloaded. From here, your electricity travels through the wires inside your walls to the outlets and switches all over your house. Now your electricity is able to provide energy for heating, lighting, entertainment, and many other necessities.
If you want to learn more about your home electricity, visit Gexa Energy's website. There you'll find tips on saving energy, comparing electricity plans and other helpful information.