There are many factors that contribute to a businesses energy efficiency, so it's important to acknowledge the areas where there is room for improvement.
Let's talk office equipment. When you search online the biggest energy consumer in offices, office equipment, is in many of the answers, and quite frankly—it just makes sense. The energy used by computers, printers and photocopiers (per worker) is sometimes more than that used by lights.
Try implementing the following ideas to your business and you could see significant savings.
- Enable the sleep mode on office computers to achieve savings up to $20 per year for each computer. Turn off machines rather than letting them idle.
- Check out state programs for energy conservation in the office that may help you reduce utility cots and maximize efficiency.
- Install occupancy sensors on lights in conference rooms and break rooms to save 45-60% on lighting costs in those rooms.
- Save up to 30% by using smart power strips to regulate energy use on equipment such as computers, copiers and printers.
- Insulate your water heater tank to save up to 6 percent in water heating costs.
- Replace printers, refrigerators and other office equipment with products that have the ENERGY STAR® label.
- Replace incandescent bulbs in exit signs with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and save about 90% on signage operating cost. If LEDs are not compatible with your current sign, a new sign is inexpensive and could pay for itself within a year.
- Save $30 or more in electricity with each replacement of a traditional incandescent light bulb for a Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). CFLs use 75% less energy and last up to 10 times longer.
- Use up to 30% less energy when you switch to a fluorescent lighting system that operates with energy-efficient electronic ballasts rather than magnetic ones.
- Cut lighting energy use by as much as 70% using timers or setting up a scheduling system to control lights on a predictable schedule.
Source: U.S. Small Business Administration
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Gexa Energy is one of the fastest-growing retail electricity providers in the U.S. and has served residential and commercial customers in Texas since 2002. We provide customers with affordable electricity plans, and all Gexa Energy residential plans are 100% green!
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