Life as we know it has taken on a few changes lately. Adjusting to new schedules and new routines have been a major learning curve for many of us. We switched from work clothes to lounging wear, which really isn't all that bad. However, we often find ourselves staying in front of our work monitors longer than usual, and the kids are home and could possibly be home longer. Then we see our electric bill...and it's a high one. This all can take a stressful toll on all of us.
Don't sweat it! It's time to unwind in a way that we're using little to no electricity. Here are 5 self-care tips that can help you relax and stay away from spiking your next electric bill.
1. Bring Down The Noise
Take a step away from it all, whether it’s the news, social media, or emails. Shut it all off for at least five to 10 minutes. Sit outside and take in some of that vitamin D you're missing out on when you're indoors.
2. Play That Funky Music
Okay, so this requires a little bit of electricity, but it's worth it. Put on some music that gets you in a better mood, whether it makes you get up and stretch those legs or unwind and relax. According to the University of Nevada, "Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day."
3. Clean & Organize Your Space
Having a neat and tidy workspace can help you feel less cluttered. This can help clear your mind and remove the tension from your surroundings.
4. Exercise at Home
Since it’s not ideal to go to gyms, find a new exercise routine at home that’s fun to do. Even better raise that thermostat up and take a nice walk, jog or bike ride outdoors, and get out for a bit.
5. Read
Get lost in a good book you enjoy, or read about something new you can learn or improve on. It doesn't really matter what you read as long as you enjoy it.
To learn more about 100% Green electricity and the benefits of green energy, check out our Renewable Energy Hub.